News (737)

Bunch of keys

Found in Coombe Street

Chris Scott has them at South Winds - call 01747 840686

Added by Admin on July 25, 2024 at 8:48 — No Comments

Wincanton - another road closure in August

North Street, Wincanton will be closed for road works (Fibre optic laying) from Monday 12th August until Friday 16th.  North Street is the road that goes to the racecourse, Otter garden centre and on to Bruton.  Access these via Charlton Musgrove.  gives more detail.

Added by ian steadman on July 24, 2024 at 10:38 — No Comments

White Elephant

Thank you to everybody who has donated white elephant to the fete.  We are now full and cannot take any more items apart from those that have a pre-arranged delivery.  Karen Brooker

Added by Karen Brooker on July 8, 2024 at 16:16 — No Comments

Flower and Produce show

The Schedule is now available here.

Added by Admin on June 17, 2024 at 8:51 — No Comments

Recycling and Waste collection - Monday

Recycling changes start on 17 June. It’s now Monday! You can find your new dates here

Added by Admin on June 17, 2024 at 8:43 — No Comments

Selection process for a new Rector

As you know, we are in the process of finding a new Rector.  What we would like to do is collect a selection of thoughts and views on what is going on in our community, to give a prospective candidate an idea of what things are like here.  If you are interested, we have a short questionnaire available to send you via email, and Charles and I would very much appreciate your views by the 24th June 2024.  Please email me on and I will send you the form by return.  Thank…


Added by Helen Marley on June 12, 2024 at 9:00 — No Comments

Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine

If you enjoyed reading about Mark Bunting’s journey to Ukraine in the Pen Paper and wanted to know more, then here is a link to his report.

Added by Admin on May 29, 2024 at 11:08 — No Comments

Balsam Centre

The Balsam Centre (the trading name of Wincanton Community Venture) is having special fund raising  for badly needed mental health support for young people.  This lasts till 28th May.  The first £5000 is matched on BigGive, effectively doubling donations.  Details are at which shows how to give.

Added by Bruce Bower on May 18, 2024 at 9:11 — No Comments

Fete Meeting

There will be a meeting in the village hall on Friday 28th June at 7.30pm for stall-holders, helpers, etc., to confirm arrangements, answer queries, etc.  All are welcome and we still need a few more volunteers to help on the day so please come along.

Any questions or concerns in the meantime please contact me on 07818 445600.

Charlie Meaden

Let’s all help to make this village fete a great fun day

for all us…


Added by ian steadman on May 17, 2024 at 15:30 — No Comments

Church Coffee Morning

Added by Helen Marley on May 4, 2024 at 12:25 — No Comments


Please may I have any articles, event notices, event reports, photographs and any and all other contributions for the June Pen Paper by 15th May please.

This will be the Pen Paper preceding the Village Fete, Flower & Produce Show in August so perfect for promoting these and perhaps, requests from stallholders for stock.

Any new ideas for improving or adding to the Pen Paper are very welcome.

Ian Steadman,  01747 841041,

Added by ian steadman on May 1, 2024 at 11:56 — No Comments

Pilates at Pen Selwood

I teach Pilates in the village hall on Tuesdays at 1pm. If you are interested in doing a trial class with a view to joining the next block of 10 classes which starts on May 14th, please get in touch for more details.
Thank you

Added by Lisa Supple on April 24, 2024 at 22:10 — No Comments

Coffee morning

As you are aware we will have no power on  Friday so our village cafe is not  open.   Kerry (Norma Izzard  daughter in law ) has invited the village to Charlton Musgrove Village hall to join them at their coffee morning  on Friday  19th  10-30 until 12.00. If anyone would like to attend could you let me know so I can give Kerry an idea of numbers  Please ring 01747 840773 or 07502132193

Added by Sandra Jenkins on April 15, 2024 at 19:26 — No Comments

Planned power outage Friday 19th April so no Black Bin Café

Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks have a power cut Friday 19th April affecting the whole village.  They plan to turn power off at 08.30 and should finish by 16.30 if not sooner.  You have probably already had a leaflet from SSEN in your mail box.  This is in order for contractors to trim/prune trees affecting our overhead cables.

Sadly this means NO BLACK BIN CAFE.  The next Black Bin Café will be on Friday 3rd May.

Added by ian steadman on April 12, 2024 at 15:25 — No Comments

Village Hall Work Party

Saturday April 20th at 10am

The village hall committee are having a spring clean and sort out of the village hall. If anyone would like to help you would be very welcome.

Bring your rubber gloves!

Added by Penny Varnes on March 25, 2024 at 14:16 — No Comments

Holy Week Services

Added by Helen Marley on March 20, 2024 at 12:54 — No Comments

Village Litter Pick

A big thank you to the 22 people who turned out to litter pick on Saturday morning.  Thankfully the weather was fine so a good tidy up has been done before the hedges and verges spring fully into growing mode. Many areas were not too bad but as usual Salters hill remains a litter hotspot.  Disappointing for residents of Pear Ash were the numbers of dog poo bags left in trees or by the side of the road.

Well done…

Added by geoff parcell on March 17, 2024 at 18:17 — No Comments

Pen Selwood Village Hall Trust AGM

AGM of

The Village Hall Trust

Pen Selwood Village Hall

Wednesday 20th March


If you would like to join the committee and help run the village hall you would be very welcome. Do come along to give your comments and ideas for the future.…


Added by Penny Varnes on March 17, 2024 at 17:21 — No Comments

New village tent now fully funded

 Thanks to all contributors the tent is now fully funded and fund-raising now closed.

Added by ian steadman on March 15, 2024 at 15:50 — No Comments

URGENT multiple road closures and water cut-offs from Monday 4th March

Information has come in quite late but Wessex Water will be in Pen Selwood next week, from Monday 4th March with three crews to fix three leaks.  One in Pear Ash Lane, one in Bleak Street, somewhere southeast of the Pear Ash Lane junction, and one in Coombe Street somewhere below the Queens Grove junction.  In each case there will be road closures but if you can't get out one way you should be able to get out in the other direction.  Works are due to start at 08.30am on Monday and will…


Added by ian steadman on March 1, 2024 at 15:10 — No Comments

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