Pen Selwood Community Association

PCA Constitution 12.2019.pdf       Chairmans Report 2020 

PCA 2022 Accounts   Annual report AGM22.pdf


PCA A.G.M Meeting 16.2.23.pdf

Chair: Jane Ashman

Treasurer: Meena Ransome

Secretary: Susan Appleton

From the Constitution (PCA constitution):

1. The Association’s name is Pen Selwood Community Association (the Club).

2. Purposes

The purposes of the Club shall be:

  1. To organise social and sports activity within Pen Selwood
  2. To improve the facilities and general area of the village of Pen Selwood
  3. To carry out fund raising in aid of local and national charities.
  4. To act as agent for the management of Pen Selwood Community Field – Charity Number 1048354, Pen Selwood Hall Trust – Charity Number 304610 (subject to their trustees making such appointment of agent, which it is understood will be made at the next AGM of each body) and any other village club as might meet its purposes.

3. Application of income and property

The income and property of the Club shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the purposes.

4. Membership

  1. Any person aged 16 or over resident within the Parish of Pen Selwood shall automatically be a member of The Club, unless the membership has been terminated by reason of paragraph 5.
  2. In addition, the Committee may invite anyone with strong ties to Pen Selwood or involved with its charitable or fundraising activities to become a member.
  3. Further the Committee may at their discretion invite members to become  Honorary Members
  4. Membership may not be transferred to anyone else.
  5. No membership fee shall be charged to members. 


Currently the main activities include:

  1. A Fun Run in April (aka Tough 10k)
  2. Black Bin Cafe
  3. Pen Pub
  4. Annual Fete
  5. An AGM and Talk

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