"State of Nature" and Moldrams Ground Nature Reserve

The latest report called "State of Nature" from 25 wildlife and conservation organisations makes very worrying reading. It shows very clearly that wildlife reserves, valuable as they are, are incapable of saving our wildlife, much of which is now under severe threat. Even one of our national wildlife icons, the Hedgehog is now under threat of extinction in the UK and it is likely that our grandchildren will never see one. Wouldn't it be good if every parish would pro-actively encourage everyone to conserve wildlife and our native plant life across its whole area, including its gardens, open spaces, and its farmland?

Perhaps the council in Pen Selwood would be prepared to work alongside neighbouring parishes, each to seek a volunteer to act as an ambassador for wildlife conservation for their parish? 

Meanwhile, the recent survey at Moldrams Ground revealed the largest ever population of Great Crested Newts with 25 specimens being recorded on a single day. On a sorrier note, after last year's positive indications, there has been no further evidence of the Dormouse inhabiting on the site.

Anyone who is interested in viewing the report or its summary, please visit this link. http://www.rspb.org.uk/ourwork/science/stateofnature/index.aspx

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