Hi The platform provider for our village website is raising its annual hosting fee. One option is to move platforms, but I'm not prepared to do this on my own. Is there anyone out there with experience of building websites who is willing to help? The current platform Ning is especially a social network so enabling anyone to contribute a news item, event or comment to the website. I'd like to maintain that idea.

If we choose to stay with Ning and pay the extra fee I'd be happy to share administration duties with someone with experience willing to give some time.

Please contact me via this website or at ourpenselwood@gmail.com

Thanks for considering,


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I'm afraid I can't help technically but I think the website is great as you've made it and so a move might undermine your efforts thus far. Rob

The actual ‘hosting’ of the site can be quite cheap.  I pay £6.11p per month for my website hosting.  Plus the Domain registration which is about £6.00 per year.  But my site is very simple.

The problem is the software to do all the things you want the site to do.  Is the software for the page we see, (the forms, the layout, the ability to comment etc) supplied by Ning too? I suspect it is.

If you can find a software package to do that which can be uploaded to a site, I can point you to a cheap hosting company, (unless of course Ning is cheaper that £6 per month, in which case ignore me).


Mike Carson

Thanks Mike
As we discussed it is possible to find a number of static webpages. The beauty of Ning is that everyone can post things and make comments. That means the administrator does not have to approve or delay the sharing of info around the village. This requires a more managed system. All minutes from PC meetings and accounts from various village organisations for instance are stored on the site.

Thanks for the ideas, keep them coming in.


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