STOP PRESS: Storm News - Recent storms brought down more than half a dozen trees on the reserve. SSDC have been informed. Most will be left to rot naturally and provide further wildlife habitats. Those considered dangerous, blocking pathways or damaging fences will be cleared.
After the recent volunteer day during which some pond vegetation was cleared and the weirs improved, an additional visit to Moldrams Ground reserve revealed that the lower pond was leaking, bypassing the weir.
A little additional work increasing the lower pond bank height and placing logs on top of the bank has now cured the problem. The water levels in both the two lower ponds and the marshy area feeding them has now increased significantly and the whole area is not only very interesting to look at but will improve the habitat for amphibians and reptiles.
Why not take a stroll down to see the effect of the work being done there?

Anyone interested in helping on an occasional basis would be most welcome. Please contact Bernard via the Moldrams Ground page.
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