Recycling as normal on Mondays 23rd, 30th December and 6th January.

Garden waste Tuesday 24th December followed by 21 January.

Rubbish Monday 6th January.

Disposing of wrapping paper and Christmas trees

Wrapping paper

Recyclable wrapping paper can go in your black recycling box, but do not put it in bin bags. There will be special areas for wrapping paper at our recycling centres, so do not put it in the cardboard skips.

Check if wrapping paper can be recycled, try the scrunch test:

  1. Scrunch the paper into a tight ball.
  2. Open your hand to see if the paper stays scrunched together or bounces back open.
  3. If the paper stays scrunched in a ball, then it can be recycled.
  4. If it bounces back open, then it likely contains foil or plastic and it cannot be recycled.

Christmas trees

If you subscribe to our garden waste service, please leave your decoration-free tree by your garden waste bin for collection, as long as it is not taller than 6ft.

If you do not have a garden waste subscription, or your tree is taller than 6ft, please take it to your local recycling centre or put it in your home compost.

You can also check the Just Helping website for local Christmas tree collection services.

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