I've been tracking usage during 2015. On average more than 460 pages are viewed each week.
There is a spike just before the local Parish elections after a page was put up describing the candidates. The website was busier than normal during July before the Fete and Show, and also views to the page for the Horse & Dog show, which unfortunately was cancelled due to lack of an available site.
If we focus on a single normal month, October then we have 276 (153) unique visitors. (Figures in brackets are last years.)
People looked at an average of 3 (5) pages each visit and stayed for 2½ (3) minutes. 35% of visitors entered and left from one page - usually the Home page. The Pen Pub group is the most active, and besides the Home page, most viewers look at News and Events. The Parish Council pages had an average of 32 unique views each month.
Let me know if you are interested in digging deeper into the data,
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