Christine Worrall
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At 19:51 on November 11, 2015, Rosalie Watkins said…

Dear Christine

Complaint re a style

Is there any chance the style on the Stour Valley Way close to the lake belonging to the big house at the lower end of Coombe Street could be changed for a kissing gate? It is very narrow with posts either side making it very difficult to negotiate. I think the co-ordinates are 770313. On your map it could be style number 3614 or 3683.

Best wishes

Rosalie Watkins

At 17:13 on August 10, 2015, Bernard Sullivan said…


Hello Richard,

As I explained to Christine by email, there are two Rights of Way Liaison Officers in Bourton, myself and Tim Heaton. I thought it useful for us to be in touch since we have the same responsibilities working to ensure that our respective footpaths are in good order, but especially as some routes cross our joint parish boundary.

A secondary reason is on account of the Big Pathwatch, run by the Ramblers, which aims to get all footpaths and bridleways across the whole of England and Wales surveyed by the end of this year.

As for FPs in Bourton, most are walkable, though we do have accessibility problems which we are working on N57/11, N57/29, N57/30.

Do you have a footpath volunteer group? Are there any FPs in your parish that you are currently working on? I notice that there are one or two issues with WN21/6.

Best wishes


At 8:36 on July 20, 2015, Bernard Sullivan said…

Dear Christine

Looking at the website, I notice that you are the Rights of Way Officer for Penselwood. Tim Heaton and I share the same role in Bourton and so I was wondering if we can work together? Some of our footpaths link with your own, and in that sense our boundaries are not important. Best wishes, Bernard


At 23:39 on January 5, 2013, geoff parcell said…
Hi Chris
Please have a look around and give your reactions



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