Until 28th February 2017 we have a chance to object to the closure of beds in Shaftesbury Hospital and there is a on-line petition we can all sign if we do not want this to happen. The link is:
http://saveourbeds.co.uk/fill-in-the-questionnaire/ If you follow the link you can go through the campaign website which explains how not to fall foul of the first question.
For those of you who do not know the Shaftesbury Westminster Memorial Hospital is a wonderful local resource. At present there are beds for up to 15 people and these are threatened with closure. There is an excellent Minor Injuries Department which is open till 5pm each day, with xray facilities until 4pm, dealing with broken bones, sprains, bruises, bites, burns and scalds, wound infections and minor head injuries.
If you feel happy to support this petition, time is running out.
Sarah FitzGerald
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