The Parish Council has posted a copy of our new Planning Policy Document for Pen Selwood on the website (go to the Parish Council tab and then Planning.) The document was first issued in October 2011 and sent to all the relevant agencies within the District and County Council.
That original document has now been amended to take into account the findings of the Village Community Plan and the South Somerset draft core strategy for the area. It is, we believe, consistent with the wishes of the parishioners as to how this village of ours should look in the future. Copies will be sent out to District and County as before.
Parish Council meetings will be held in the Village Hall on the following dates during the rest of the year at 7.30pm. They are open to all and there is an opportunity for people to speak at the beginning of each meeting.
Wednesday 9th July
Wednesday 10th September
Wednesday 12th November
Jenny Steadman
Parish Councillor
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