This website is designed to be interactive. If you are accepted as a member because you are a resident or closely associated with Pen Selwood then you can add your own content.
For News
Click on the News tab, then the + Add button.
Fill in a title for the post then the content of your news item.
You can cut and paste this from a document or other source. You can format it and you can add pictures and links. It is normally best to do this in Visual mode. Once you are happy with the content you can add a tag so it can be searched for e.g. Church. If there is more than one word then put tag in quotes.
Choose to post now or set a date in the future, then press the Publish Post button at the bottom.
Just do it, the Admin can help tidy up any errors.
For Events
Its a very similar process, start by clicking on the Events Tab. You can add an image from your own files. The event type is similar to tags and allows people to search for similar events. You set the start and end dates and details. I usually disable the RSVP.
Then you add event. You will be prompted to send it to any Friends you may have acquired but I usually skip this.
Its easy to add comments to published material. Go to the add a comment window. Write what you wish then press the Add Comment button. Remember the principles of the site are to treat everyone with dignity and respect, so by all means disagree with a point but don't make it personal.
If you do run into trouble posting something then contact an administrator on