I am wondering if any thoughtful person took down one of three 'missing' Boards displaying the date of our recent Fete? One is reputed to have been removed by a Zeals resident on the Zeals route into the Village.

One has disappeared from the Chaffeymoor entrance, and one from the left hand side traveling uphill in Coombe Street. If anyone has them, could they please advise Richard Gething 841481 - he kindly constructed a new set last year or myself 841216. Thanks. Stella

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I have put 2 of the signs in the block house, 1 from Zeals and 1 from Coombe Street.

Sorry, I meant to tell you!!!

Brillant! Only one to find ....

Hi Stella, For many months after an event last year, one of the signs was left lying in the grass at the bottom of Chaffeymore. I am wondering if this one also fell over and may be still lying there unseen. Might be worth a check. Just a thought. We have litter-pickers who cover the main road occasionally and I will ask them when I see them this afternoon if they have noticed it. Bernie

Hi Stella, After Black Bin cafe, went down and checked to see if the missing board was in the grass. Sadly, it wasn't. Our litter-picking friends have not seen it either. Bernie

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